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How To Achieve A Better Timing Within The Beautiful Field Of Internet Marketing

Timing and especially a better timing is one of the most important factors in internet marketing. It can make or break your campaigns, conversions, and profits.

But how do you know when is the best time to launch a new product, send an email, post on social media, or run an ad?

In this blog post, we will share some tips and tools to help you optimize your timing and get the most out of your internet marketing efforts.

Know Your Audience For A Better Timing

The first step to achieving a better timing is to understand your target market and their behavior.

What are their demographics, preferences, pain points, and goals? When are they online, and what platforms do they use? How do they interact with your brand and your competitors?

You can use tools like Google Analytics, Facebook Insights, and SurveyMonkey to collect and analyze data about your audience and their online habits.

Test And Measure For A Better Timing

The second step to achieving a better timing is to experiment with different times and days for your internet marketing activities and track the results.

For example, you can use tools like Mailchimp, HubSpot, and AWeber to test different subject lines, content, and send times for your email campaigns and see which ones generate the most opens, clicks, and conversions.

You can also use tools like Hootsuite, Buffer, and Sprout Social to schedule and monitor your social media posts and see which ones get the most engagement, reach, and traffic.

You can also use tools like Google Ads, Facebook Ads Manager, and Bing Ads to run and optimize your online ads and see which ones perform the best in terms of impressions, clicks, and conversions.

Adapt And Optimize For A Better Timing

The third step to achieving a better timing is to adjust your internet marketing strategy based on the data and feedback you get from your tests and measurements.

You can use tools like Google Optimize, Optimizely, and Unbounce to create and compare different versions of your landing pages and see which ones convert more visitors into leads or customers.

You can also use tools like Google Trends, BuzzSumo, and SEMrush to research and identify the most popular topics, keywords, and trends in your niche and see when is the best time to create and publish relevant content for your audience.

In Closing

By following these three steps, you can achieve a better timing within the field of internet marketing and boost your online presence, reputation, and revenue.

Remember that timing is not a one-size-fits-all solution but a dynamic process that requires constant testing, measuring, adapting, and optimizing.

The more you know about your audience and their online behavior, the more you can tailor your internet marketing activities to their needs and expectations.

production: Till Geissinger – text: ChatGPT – picture: Pixabay.

The Beautiful Art Of Working Without Effort

Who is the beautiful art of working without effort for, who can profit from this the most?

Do you ever feel like you are working too hard and not getting enough results? Do you wish you could achieve more with less stress and struggle?

If so, you are not alone. Many people struggle with productivity and efficiency in their work and personal lives.

But what if I told you that there is a way to work without effort and still get amazing outcomes? Sounds too good to be true, right?

Well, it’s not. It’s actually an art that anyone can learn and master. And in this blog post, I will show you how.

The art of working without effort is based on a simple principle: align your actions with your natural flow.

What Does That Mean?

It means that instead of forcing yourself to do things that you don’t enjoy or that don’t suit your strengths, preferences, and goals, you find ways to do things that you love and that make you feel energized, inspired, and fulfilled.

When you do that, you tap into a source of creativity, motivation, and joy that makes your work effortless and fun.

How do you find your natural flow? Here are some tips to help you:

Working Without Effort – Know Yourself

The first step is to understand yourself better. What are your passions, talents, values, and purpose? What are your optimal conditions for working?

What are your preferred styles of learning, thinking, and communicating?

What are the things that make you happy and excited? The more you know about yourself, the easier it will be to align your work with your flow.

Working Without Effort – Choose Wisely

The second step is to choose your work wisely. Don’t settle for something that doesn’t match your flow.

Instead, look for opportunities that allow you to use your strengths, express your personality, and contribute to something meaningful.

If you can’t find such opportunities in your current situation, create them yourself or look for them elsewhere.

Remember, you have the power to shape your work according to your flow.

Working Without Effort – Focus On The Process

The third step is to focus on the process rather than the outcome. When you work without effort, you enjoy the journey as much as the destination.

You don’t worry about the results or the feedback. You just immerse yourself in the task at hand and let go of any expectations or attachments.

You trust that by following your flow, you will produce quality work that will benefit yourself and others.

Working Without Effort – Be Flexible

The fourth step is to be flexible and adaptable. Working without effort doesn’t mean working without challenges or changes.

It means being able to adjust and respond to whatever comes your way with ease and grace.

It means being open to new ideas, perspectives, and possibilities.

It means being willing to learn from mistakes and failures. It means being able to switch gears and change directions when needed.

In Closing

By following these steps, you can master the art of working without effort and experience more joy, satisfaction, and success in your work and life.

You can also inspire others to do the same by sharing your insights and examples.

Remember, working without effort is not a myth or a miracle. It’s a skill that anyone can learn and practice. So why not start today?

production: Till Geissinger – text: ChatGPT – picture: Pixabay.

Is Get Rich Quick Possible In Beautiful Internet Marketing?

Many people are drawn to internet marketing because of the promise of making a lot of money quickly and easily. So the ultimate question is, is get rich quick possible in internet marketing, or not?

While it’s true that internet marketing can be a lucrative field, the idea of getting rich quick is a myth.

In this article, we’ll explore why this is the case and what you can realistically expect from internet marketing.

Internet Marketing Takes Time And Effort

One of the biggest myths about internet marketing is that you can set up a website or social media account and instantly start making money.

In reality, internet marketing takes time and effort to build. You need to create high-quality content, build a following, and establish trust with your audience. This can take weeks, months, or even years.

Get Rich Quick – Competition Is Fierce

Another factor to consider is that the competition in internet marketing is fierce. There are millions of websites and social media accounts competing for attention online.

You need to offer something unique and valuable to stand out from the crowd. This takes time and effort to develop.

Get Rich Quick – There Are No Shortcuts

Despite what some internet marketing gurus may claim, there are no shortcuts to success in this field. You can’t buy your way to the top of search engine rankings or build a massive following overnight.

Any successful internet marketer will tell you that they achieved success through hard work, dedication, and a willingness to learn from their mistakes.

It’s Not All About Money

Finally, it’s important to remember that success in internet marketing is not just about making money. While financial success is certainly a goal for many marketers, it’s not the only measure of success.

Building a loyal following, creating valuable content, and making a positive impact on your community are all important aspects of internet marketing.

Get Rich Quick – In Conclusion

While it’s possible to make money through internet marketing, the idea of getting rich quick is a myth.

Internet marketing takes time, effort, and dedication to build a successful online presence.

By focusing on providing value to your audience and building genuine relationships, you can achieve long-term success in this field.

production: Till Geissinger – text: ChatGPT – picture: Pixabay.

So You Want To Be A Beautiful Affiliate Marketer?

Read this to see if you’ve got the right stuff to be an amazing Affiliate marketer!

Have you got what it takes to be an online Affiliate marketer?
Read this and decide for yourself do you have what it takes?

To be a successful online Affiliate marketer, liken yourself to being a dog chewing on a bone. That means gnarling away hungrily to post and promote every day – or at least as often as you can.

You can’t expect to make sales if you don’t constantly gnaw on that bone called promotion. We teach you all about promotion in George Kosch’s online and LIVE weekly bootcamp training sessions.

Promotion, and the need for constant promotion is the one thing that many new marketers take along time to fully grasp. Many underestimate how much promotion you must do to see results and give up far too soon.

Affiliate Marketer Grow A Thick-Skin

When you contact people (people who’ve actually ASKED for the information) you’re going to hear things like “GET ME OFF THIS LIST” or ” I never asked for this information” or “how did you get my email address/phone number.”  Learn now to convert the negative energy of rejection into the positive energy of moving forward. 

Move on to the next person, lead or prospect. The Internet is a massive place, if this person isn’t interested in your offer the next person is waiting. The more you post, the more you promote, the more you connect with people, the MORE sales you make. Be nice, build relationships with people and you will gain lifetime customers. If you can’t do that or don’t want to do that you will never make it as a successful marketer.

You’ve got to have instant access to products and services that are of real value, products that are in demand, new services that people need and want – NOW!  You can’t be wasting time on looking for what to sell, what’s hot, you’ve got to be able to call up your product list and press SEND on the promotion materials.

Not sure how to do that?  That’s what we offer our Worldprofit Members, instant access to in-demand products/services and the marketing materials to promote them.
It’s all in your Member area, everything you need.

Understand why and how building a list is so critical to your business growth and cements your long term sales objectives. Your products and services may change, your offers may change but your list is a targeted buyers list that must be grown and cared for with the utmost of your attention.

George Kosch talks about this in the bootcamp training.  You  may very well have  found Worldprofit by being on one of our marketing lists. Now we teach you how to build YOUR list so you are a seller not a responder ending up on someone else’s list! 

You need access to a goody bag of offers – really good offers. Really cool things you can add QUICKLY to your offer that have a real value to entice people to take action today, not next week. Worldprofit Members you have this in your Offer Builder, in your Goody Bag, and more – it’s all in your Worldprofit Member area.

Offers are what gets people sniffing around and is what helps close sales. You, me, everyone likes a deal – offers are the icing on the cake!  Your Worldprofit Membership INCLUDES an OFFER BUILDER and things you can INCLUDE in your offers to close sales. 

Affiliate Marketer Employ A Never-Give Up Attitude

If you’re the kind of person who goes hard for a few days then peters out losing interest, then online marketing is not for you. You’ve got to be prepared to promote as often as you eat.

When you are hungry you seek out food, when you want to make money online you must promote.  Ask yourself, are you really committed? If you are that means investing the time, and effort into learning and DOING the tasks required, failing, making mistakes then continuing toward your goal. 

Filter out the negative people or negativity in your life. You know who they are, the ones that tell you it will never work. They say you are crazy to spend so much time online.  The people who are telling you all the reasons why you can’t do it, while you yourself are actually doing it.

Don’t be smug though, when you start getting results, simply smile and give yourself a pat on the back.  You are one of the truly unique, a rare breed. You think, you do, you tune out the negative and simply focus on doing what you need to do to achieve your goals. 

Be Realistic

Don’t start promoting online thinking you are going to get rich overnight, or even in a few weeks or months. Put on a “HYPE FILTER” to filter out all the bunk, promises and fake pitches you hear and see. Believe only that  with hard work and consistent effort you will get results. Believe in yourself to build your own success not in the pitches that making money online is easy or instant.

Set realistic goals for your earnings, and be prepared to grow your business over time. Build your online resources, build your lead list, build your customer list, grow your profits by nurturing your business.  Your business is a tender green shoot, care for it daily and you will have an oak tree some day. Forget to water, overwater, walk away for too long and you will be left with a dead twig.

Affiliate Marketer Get Help

You’re not going to do this alone, nor should you. Find online marketers, online communities, facebook groups, mentors, like-minded people who think like you do. Network, share, support, give and get back.

Worldprofit’s home business community is made up of real people from all walks of life and experiences from all over the world with the same goal as you – improving their financial situation for self and family by learning how to earn at home using the resources of the web. Our Support team is here to HELP YOU every day.

Our online training lessons put you on the path to success teaching you the fundamentals you must understand to grow your online business. Your Worldprofit Membership has the TOOLS you need to help you generate traffic, build your marketing list, increase your leads, and grow your sales.

Be willing to learn and commit to applying what you learn.  Being a successful online marketer is really no different than being a lawyer, plumber, carpenter, pilot, truck driver in that you have to learn and MASTER specific skills.

Apply those skills consistently, evaluate your progress, try harder, work harder to get the results.  Don’t think for one minute that this is easy or that you will instantly “get it”.   If you don’t want to learn, won’t take the time, and have no patience, find something else. Internet marketing is not for you.

Benefit From Having A System

A system, one that incorporates easy access to hot products, ads, services you can sell, reputable places to promote, coaching and training and ongoing support. You can build your business with one single hammer, or better yet,  you can assemble an organized team of people, equipment  and support services to accomplish the same thing faster and more efficiently.

Worldprofit offers our Members the system to build your online business. The place online where you earn consistent income.  Worldprofit is your one-stop-shop for all the elements of your system; the website, traffic, software, lead sources, advertising resources, training, support, mentorship from a number of reliable trusted sources. 

We don’t just give you the hammer to build your business, we give you the whole tool kit, a blueprint to build your business, and the support and help you need to build and then expand it for years to come.

Ask yourself how much time you are going to commit to building your online marketing business. If your answer is an hour a day fine, set a goal, stick with it. If it’s 4 hours a day, stick with it.

Be sure to adjust your sales goals based on the amount of time you work your business. The more effort you put into learning and growing your business, the better your results. As my grampa used to say… if you only give it a half-a##ed effort don’t whine when you get half-a##d results.

Take responsibility yourself and your success (or lack of). No single product or guru is going to be your secret success solution, the one answer to your financial dreams.  The only person who is going to make it happen and DO what needs to be done to achieve it – is YOU.

Have An Open-Mind

Online marketing is not taught in school, you are an entrepreneur and thus made of a unique kind of tenacity and grit.

They don’t give up, they don’t know it all, they seek solutions, make mistakes, they get up and try again. Be a DOer not an analyst, not a deep thinker, not a planner, but someone who rolls up their sleeves digs in, gets dirty and insists on results.

I’ve been in the online home business industry for over twenty five years as a business owner, a coach, and a marketer.  I’ve seen it all. People come in, happy, eager, determined. Some last a few days, some a few months.

Then you get down to a very small percentage of people, the truly determined, the people I have worked with for years. The one common trait the winners, the non-quitters all have is – are you ready for this?  

RESILIENCE.  These people weren’t the top of their class, they weren’t the bottom, they are average people who have the ability to recover quickly from difficulties, from a tough life, from a path full of bumps and obstacles.

Who among us doesn’t have “stuff” in our lives, problems, distractions that keep us from achieving our goals. The difference is how you recover from it and go on.

Here’s the actual definition of RESILIENCE  from Merriam Webster Dictionary (remember those, yes I still have a hard cover version ðŸ˜‰ 


: the ability to become strong, healthy, or successful again after something bad happens

: an ability to recover from or adjust easily to misfortune or change

In conclusion, now I ask you… do YOU have what it takes to be a successful online marketer? If you do, we can help you. Rollup your sleeves and get busy.

About The Author

Sandi Hunter is the co-founder of Worldprofit Inc., a training and support company that has been teaching people how to earn online for the past twenty five years.  

Click here and get a free Associate membership and put Worldprofit’s experts to work for you to help you start and grow your own online business.

How To Do Internet Marketing The Beautiful Gardener Way

Internet marketing can be a daunting task, but the good news is that it can be done using the same principles that successful gardeners use.

Just like gardeners, internet marketers need to plant the right seeds, tend to their crops, and reap the rewards of their hard work.

In this article, we’ll explore how to do internet marketing the gardener way.

Start With The Right Seeds

Just like a gardener needs to choose the right seeds for their garden, an internet marketer needs to choose the right keywords for their online content.

Start by researching your target audience and finding out what they are searching for online. This will give you valuable insights into the keywords and phrases you should be targeting in your content.

Tend To Your Crops By Creating Internet Marketing Contents

Once you’ve planted your seeds, it’s important to tend to your crops regularly. In internet marketing, this means consistently creating high-quality content that resonates with your target audience.

This can include blog posts, social media updates, videos, and more. You should also make sure your website is up-to-date and easy to navigate.

Use Fertilizer Like Internet Marketing Tools

Just like gardeners use fertilizer to help their crops grow, internet marketers need to use tools and techniques to boost their online presence.

This can include search engine optimization (SEO), paid advertising, email marketing, and more. By using these tools effectively, you can increase your website’s visibility and attract more visitors.

Weed Out The Bad Internet Marketing Practices

Just as gardeners need to weed out unwanted plants, internet marketers need to weed out bad practices that can harm their online presence.

This includes spammy tactics like keyword stuffing and buying backlinks. Instead, focus on providing high-quality content and building genuine relationships with your audience.

Harvest Your Rewards

Finally, just like gardeners get to enjoy the fruits of their labor at harvest time, internet marketers get to enjoy the rewards of their hard work.

This can include increased website traffic, higher search engine rankings, and more sales or leads. Celebrate your successes and continue to refine your internet marketing strategy as needed.

In Conclusion

By taking a gardener’s approach to internet marketing, you can achieve success and enjoy the process along the way.

Remember to start with the right seeds, tend to your crops regularly, use fertilizer wisely, weed out bad practices, and harvest your rewards.

By doing so, you can create a thriving online presence that attracts and retains loyal customers.

production: Till Geissinger – text: ChatGPT – picture: Pixabay.

My Beautiful Top 9 Resources

If it comes to making money online and good programs that might support you in this endeavour, here is my list of the top 9 resources that I think are the best of the best.

These top 9 resources have convinced me through their longevity, honesty, earnestness and value they provide.

If you decide to take part in one or more of these programs, please make sure you use the affiliate-links below, that I get rewarded for the recommendation. It will not cost you anything extra.

Thanks in advance and here we go…

#1 – LeadsLeap

LeadsLeap is a great source for traffic, and offers many useful services beyond that. There is a super easy to use page-builder included, an autoresponder, a link-tracker and a tool to write your own reviews.

The free version of LeadsLeap offers lots of great stuff and you can use many of their tools, but if you are serious about making money online, the paid version is highly recommended.

Click here now to get started with LeadsLeap >>>

#2 – TrafficAdBar (TAB)

TrafficAdBar is an amazing advertising service with a unique twist called the level ladder. The more activity you show, the more you will be rewarded for this.

TAB can be used for free for as long as you want, but the paid version offers you so many advantages that it is highly recommended to upgrade as soon as possible.

Click here to get started with TrafficAdBar >>>

#3 – Udimi

Udimi is a traffic marketplace where primarily email solo ad providers sell their traffic. You pay per click, so the traffic you get there is not free, but if you find a good provider, you can get lots of leads and even sales very fast.

The prize per click starts at 40 cents, so it is wise to test providers with smaller orders first, before you do bigger orders. That is the great thing with Udimi, you can scale fast.

You can sign up and check out the Udimi marketplace for free by clicking here >>>

#4 – WorldProfit

WorldProfit is here since about 30 years teaching Affiliate Marketing and helping people build their own businesses from the comfort of their home.

WorldProfit has the most profound training course on how to drive traffic and finally win this internet affiliate marketing game big time.

You can check WorldProfit out for free and see wether it is the right opportunity for you. Me- personally – I can highly recommend it…

Click here to get started with WorldProfit >>>

#5 – EasyCash4Ads (EC4A)

EasyCash4Ads is a great income source for a small one-time expense. Everything you need is included and you get lots of additional value for just one low one-time prize.

Especially worth mentioning is the amazing support desk of EC4A, they are really there, whenever you need them.

Click here for more details and getting started with EC4A >>>

#6 – LiveGood

Great products to support your health and well-being in combination with an income opportunity and lots of coaching and training makes LiveGood a clear recommendation and a brilliant resource.

Click here to get started with LiveGood >>>

#7 – Upland

Upland is a NFT property trading game which mimics planet earth and the cities on it.

So you can buy property NFTs, build buildings on them, earn UPX for holding the properties and of course sell them at any time.

There is always a lot going on within the Upland metaverse, so best would be to check it out.

Click here to get a special bonus when you start with Upland >>>

#8 – Kinesis

Kinesis is building up a gold and silver based monetary system. The great part is that you will get free silver and gold just for holding KAU and KAG and using the system.

There really is no better and more rewarding way for owning some silver and gold.

Get started through the following link and they will even give you some silver, once you have put in some of your resources.

Click here now to get started with Kinesis >>>

#9 – GPMS

GPMS stands for the Global Peoples Monetary System and also includes the Simplified Devine Law. It’s some sort of a movement to change our monetary system by democratically voting for a new system.

I would highly recommend to check out their website and then vote for it. It will only take you a couple of minutes, and has the potential to improve life on planet earth big time, if enough people vote for it.

Click here to check out GPMS >>>

Final Thoughts

So, that’s it, my top 9 resources for you. I would highly recommend to join them all and do it now.

Then create beautiful capture-pages and connect them to an email-autoresponder-campaign (this is super easy to do with LeadsLeap) through which you promote some or all of these programs.

Make sure you send all the traffic that you get from these programs to your newly made capture-pages and you are on your way building an amazing email-list and a couple of passive income streams.

Most likely you are already on my list, but if not, you should get on it by clicking here and subscribing to it >>>

A Beautiful Quote About The Subject Of Money

The subject of money is really two subjects: (1) money, plenty of money, and (2) absence of money, not nearly enough money. Often people assume that because they are speaking the words "I want more money," they are speaking positively about money. When you are feeling fear or discomfort as you speak, you are not speaking of the subject of money, you are speaking of the subject of not enough money. And the difference is very important, because the first statement brings money and the second holds it away. (Abraham Hicks)
The subject of money is really two subjects: (1) money, plenty of money, and (2) absence of money, not nearly enough money. Often people assume that because they are speaking the words “I want more money,” they are speaking positively about money. When you are feeling fear or discomfort as you speak, you are not speaking of the subject of money, you are speaking of the subject of not enough money. And the difference is very important, because the first statement brings money and the second holds it away.

Why Smart People Focus On The LongTerm In Internet Marketing

When it comes to internet marketing, it’s easy to get caught up in short-term thinking.

After all, the internet is a fast-paced environment, and it can be tempting to focus on immediate results and quick wins.

However, the smartest and most successful marketers know that a long-term perspective is key to sustained success. Here’s why:

Building A Brand In Internet Marketing Takes Time

One of the most important goals of internet marketing is to build a strong brand. This means establishing a clear identity, creating value for your customers, and building trust and credibility.

These are not things that happen overnight. It takes time and consistent effort to build a brand that resonates with your target audience and sets you apart from the competition.

In Internet Marketing Quality Content Pays Off In The Long Run

Content marketing is a critical component of internet marketing. Whether it’s blog posts, videos, podcasts, or social media content, creating high-quality content that provides value to your audience is essential.

While you may see some immediate benefits from your content, such as increased traffic or engagement, the real payoff comes over time.

High-quality content that is useful, informative, and engaging will continue to attract new visitors and build trust with your audience for years to come.

Relationships Are Built Over Time In Internet Marketing

Another key aspect of internet marketing is building relationships with your customers and prospects.

This involves providing excellent customer service, engaging with your audience on social media, and establishing yourself as an authority in your industry.

Like building a brand, building relationships takes time and consistent effort. However, the rewards are significant, including increased loyalty, repeat business, and positive word-of-mouth referrals.

Long-term Thinking Leads To Better Decision-Making

Finally, smart people focus on the long-term in internet marketing because it leads to better decision-making.

When you’re thinking about the big picture and the long-term goals of your business, you’re less likely to be swayed by short-term trends or fads. Instead, you’ll be able to make informed decisions based on your overall strategy and objectives.

In Conclusion

While it may be tempting to focus on short-term results in internet marketing, smart people know that a long-term perspective is critical to sustained success.

By focusing on building a strong brand, creating high-quality content, building relationships with your audience, and making informed decisions, you can create a foundation for long-term growth and success.

So if you want to be a successful internet marketer, think long-term and stay focused on your goals.

production: Till Geissinger – text: ChatGPT – picture: Pixabay.